The New Year- Will it bring a New You

Hi Jim,

I trust this finds you well as the page has turned and we are now in 2025. Who knows what this new year will offer? One thing for sure, there will be change. I don't say this because it is something unique to 2025. I say it because change is inevitable no matter the year. How have you prepared for the new year? Have you set intentions that are solid and to which you are more committed than ever? Are you willing to do what is required to give them life? 

As a life strategist and coach my primary focus is helping clients get clear on what they want to create and experience, guiding them through the process of designing effective strategies, and supporting them in carrying out those strategies. It is about consistently knowing and taking the best next step possible. One Truth I encourage my clients to embrace is, " you are always on the verge of your next biggest moment."

I have a confession to make. I am not a great writer nor am I a great speaker. (I am pretty good though) However, I am an effective communicator with a passion for communicating what I believe has a desire to be expressed through me based on my life experiences. These experiences led to publishing four books, being a contributing writer to multiple blogs and being a featured expert in a movie titled Becoming the Keys, alongside Dr. Joe Vitale, don Miguel Ruiz, Dannion Brinkley, Brian Tracy and more. Additionally, I am a regular guest on podcasts and radio talk shows and a featured speaker at live and virtual events.

How did all of this happen? I am always preparing for my next biggest moments so that when an opportunity arises, I step up to the plate with confidence and joy. Always preparing for life's biggest moments is nothing more, and nothing less than making choices and taking action aligned with what you are most passionate about. And lastly, having fun and enjoying the process. After all, it's a primary purpose for being here. 

Question: What is the next biggest moment for which you are preparing? You don't know, well, what are you most passionate about? What would you be doing if you could do anything you want without any consideration for time, money, or anything that would keep you from investing in your passion? Whatever that is, give attention and intention to it as often as you can with as much inspired energy as possible. I assure you, when your next biggest moment is presented, you will be ready to meet it with joy, confidence, and a willingness to unabashedly be you. Each passing biggest moments creates the foundation upon which you can prepare for the next biggest moment that is sure to follow.

Life inside and outside of the Bubble

We each live within our own unique bubble while simultaneously living within the larger bubble of humanity and collective consciousness. How do we influence each so the life we are living is truly the life we desire? Think of your life as being contained within a "snow globe", peaceful and calm until it is suddenly shaken and becomes chaotic. Now realize that the hand that shakes the snow globe is your own. Our experiences of life come from our response to life and the events created by us and those shared experiences that happen more globally. (outside our bubble) In this episode of Java with Jim, I share my perspective. Even though this episode was recorded over six months ago it is relevant as we enter the first weeks of 2025. If you like this video and would like to view more, please subscribe to my YouTube Channel.




Read the full article on Life's Biggest Moments by clicking the button below. 

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 Happy New Year

 I wish you and yours all you desire in 2025 with the knowing that what you desire is already waiting for you. It's like the winning lottery ticket you have in your pocket and all you have to do is claim the winnings. Go claim what is yours for the claiming and allow it to be your life experience in 2025 and beyond.

If you want to schedule a brief discovery call with me to discuss how to maximize 2025, click the button below.  

Yes, I want to maximize 2025!


Blessings for the New Year.

Take care. Be well,

Twitter (X): @inspired10 

Jim Phillips
Prosperity by Design, LLC.