Just Let Go
A very common piece of advice given to folks who are frustrated, stressed out or just plain unhappy with everything, including themselves, is to just let go. Sounds simple, right? We all seem to have an idea of what it means, yet most struggle with actually doing it. What’s the problem? Well, it seems that the problem is we really don’t know what it means to let go and as a result, don’t know how to let go.
Letting go is acceptance and allowance. Accepting where you are in life, accepting the experiences you are having in life, accepting who you are in this moment in life and accepting the truth that you have the power to change it. And then, allowing your Self to do so. Letting go is accepting and allowing without judgment.
This isn’t to imply that we just accept life as the cards we were dealt and therefore can do nothing about our life experiences. It means accepting, “OK, here I am. I take full responsibility for where I am and I take full responsibility for where I will go from this moment forward”. Each moment presents the opportunity to change what is to what is desired, however to do so you must let go of any belief that says you have no say in how life unfolds. In an interesting paradoxical way, letting go is regaining personal power.
Letting go is releasing the white knuckle grip on all of those “things” you believe are causing your difficulty or misery and embracing all that life offers while trusting it is always for your highest and best. Letting go is the refocusing of your attention from what was and what you fear might be, to what is and can be. It is being present to now. Letting go is moving from resistance and attachment to flow. Give your Self permission to enjoy and embrace life fully and completely without attachment to any of it. Once again, be in this world not of this world.
A challenge to letting go is the thought that if we do all hell will break loose. And quite frankly, that is exactly what will happen and exactly what you want to happen. Once hell breaks loose you have the opportunity to be free of it, if you choose to.
“The hell you experience is the hell you so dearly hold on to.”
Here are three keys to letting go and getting into flow with life.
- Be aware of and vigilant with your thoughts and beliefs. Are they limiting or liberating? Are they holding you back or propelling you forward?
- You always have a choice. No matter the circumstances there is always a choice that can be made, even if it is to do or not do something, this is still a choice with its attendant consequences. Make choices consistently in alignment with the experiences you desire.
- Life is not static. The more we attempt to hold on to the way things are, the more challenging life becomes. The more we accept and allow the dynamic nature of life, the more enjoyable and fulfilling our experiences of life.
Until next time,
Jim Phillips is a LIFE Strategist, author, speaker and business coach. For over 30 years he has been inspiring others to higher levels of achievement and understanding through his strategy sessions, coaching, writing and presentations. One of Jim’s gifts is his ability to help others understand and apply complex spiritual concepts to their personal life which has resulted in their creating and experiencing more of who they truly are and what they desire from life.
At the age of thirteen Jim had a profound experience that confirmed he had a very specific message to share about our connection to the Divine and our Divinity. This message was to be shared when the time was right, that time is now. Never has there been a time in the history of humanity when there was a greater need to understand who we are and why we are here. Never has there been a time in the history of humanity when there have been more people open and receptive to this message.
Jim was born in Buffalo, New York, however he lived the majority of his childhood years in Virginia. He graduated from James Madison University with a degree in Business Administration and Management. Jim currently resides in Aldie, VA where he continues his writing, coaching and speaking.
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